Griffin Silk Thread
In 1866 Griffin started making Silk Cord in Germany. Today, their experience shows in the superb range of Silks and Nylon they produce. Habotai Foulard Silk is a beautifully soft 3mm flat tube silk that feels great next to the Skin. Use it for knotting larger beads to great effect, weave cords together or make multi-strand neck cords. Griffin Silk comes in 2m cards (with a needle already attached - which makes for easier threading) or on larger spools. Best known for use in pearl threading, the silk is available in sizes from 0.2mm to 1.05mm in diameter and in a range of 21 colours. We have sorted our silk by colours - within each colour range, you can find different diameters and lengths.
Note on Diameters: There is a huge difference between Textile and metal fibres in measurement terms. It is not possible to produce textile fibers as precisely as metallic fibres, therefore the diameter tolerance on textile fibres is much higher than on metallic ones.Textile fibers can change their diameter after the production is complete. It depends for example, under which temperature or air humidity the fibres are in storage. The indication of diameters in millimeters can therefore only be approximately and is not exact, so there will be some tolerance between batches and if cord is stored on a card or spool.